I may have bought an espresso machine.

It’s hard to put into words the way I feel.
It’s like when a window is open at the end of a bikram class. Or when the sun appears in London, on that one day of the year. It’s magical.
I find small home comforts are important, on this tour. We’re moving from one hotel to the other, almost daily, and it’s soothing to surround yourself with objects that can transform any hotel room in your hotel room. (I pledge not to use the word ‘hotel’ again for the rest of this week’s blog.)
However, it’s also soothing to finally drink some decent coffee.
Haven’t mastered the milk frothing yet, but we all know every nozzle is different…
And that performance depends so much on how you handle the pressure…….
And that size does matter………………..
It’s gonna take me a few days to perfect my cappuccino, but I’ll get there eventually. My espresso, on the other hand, is already coming out well rounded and pretty damn strong! David and Gareth have tried it too and they were rather impressed. To quote Gareth:
“I’m sorry, but that was f***ing disgusting.”
We’ve sung at some truly stunning venues, this week, my favourite being Wuppertal:

The audience have been as enthusiastic as ever. Every venue so far has had high numbers (quite a few of them being completely sold out) and yet the vast majority of people are seeing the show for the first time (Alex asks that question right at the beginning). Which shows, first of all, the love Germans have for theatre/music, but also that they’re not scared of trying something ‘unusual’.
Good for them.
In fact, they like unusual theatre so much around here, I even came across a show tackling the debilitating condition I personally suffered, from the age of 14 till I was about 25:

Apart from the concerts, life on tour can get a bit samy, what with the now familiar routine of bus, service station and hot-…accommodation.
That’s why it makes for a nice change to be woken up by a fire alarm, in the middle of the night. (It wasn’t the middle of the night, it was 6.45am. We’d got back at 1am, though, to be fair.)

I'm not saying this guy was the one who set it off...but... He does look suspicious, doesn't he? He's trying to hard.
Add the fact that the alarm announcement consisted of an ear-shuttering, mildly-panicked-yet-eerily-solemn voice-recording, repeating the same unintelligible instructions over and over again, exclusively in German… and you have the perfect recipe for a fun-filled morning.
Still, there was no fire, so… Thank goodness for that.