We're officially on the road.

Life on a bus is good. So far. Let’s reconvene in a couple of months.
Rule #1, when spending ¾ of your day travelling, is making sure you have as much space on your assigned doube-seater as possible.

As you can see, I got that down to a T.
That's mostly due to the fact that my luggage is growing by the day.
My personal collection of electric appliances now incudes a Nutribullet and a kettle (for steaming, of course. Not tea. What’s tea).
Planning to invest in a portable grill as soon as we’re in a hotel for long enough for it to be delivered.
If only portable washing machines were a thing. (see Week 2)
Rule #2: customise your Happy Meal.

The highlight of this week, however, has been, of course, the shows.
The audience go MENTAL.
It’s a real joy.

Most amazing venue so far was the mine we sang in yesterday.
Yes. You read right. A MINE.
506m below ground, in front of a crowd of 1.500 people. Unreal.

We got on a truck...

...and we ended up here.

Lovely of Anastacia to open for us too.

And the bonus is that I’m really loving sharing the stage and singing with these friggingly talented beauts.

Our sound is getting tighter, our choices bolder and it’s great fun.
Actually, I lied. The REAL highlight of this week was discovering:
1. An exotic new line of menswear:

‘Not for everyone’. You've got to appreciate how realistic their marketing department is.
2. The biggest table football in the world. Intriguingly, with players facing the wrong way round.:

3. A TV show, whose concept I can only describe as a filmed version of one of those acting exercises you do in an impro class, when the only directions you’re given are: ‘You, your pony-tail and Karen are in a room with some furniture. Go.’
Brilliant use of the ‘furniture’, there, I gotta say.
We’ve got 2 days off, now!! What are we gonna do?!?!?
How’s that for a cliffhanger.
P.S.: our stage suits are courtesy of Carl Gross.

He's the one on the left.