27 songs learnt in 10 days.
I say learnt.
And I mean learnt, yes, they are, thank you very much.
Monumental effort from the entire cast and musicians, with Karl Davies proving not only to be impossibly handsome (see Week 1), but also frickin’ amazing at directing a show. Not even man-flu can stop that…man.
At times, during the last few days, my brain has felt like someone was feeding pieces of soggy toast directly into my skull, through a straw. But now, with our first show nearly upon us, it’s time to reach for the jam. (?)
However, that’s why a special mention, this week, goes to Simone, the Breakfast Queen, who, every morning, has greeted me with a lovely smile and (after day 2) has always remembered my favourite breakfast: she has it ready for me, on the table, even before I walk through the door of the restaurant.
(Some people might be surprised to know it's not Salmon & Oatcakes™.)

In those moments when my head was about to explode, she made me feel at home, away from home. Vielen Dank, Simone.
Other MAD shenanigans this week include:

In an unexpected turn of events, I was reshuffled from Tenor #7 to Tenor #3, as a result of me repeatedly missing some golden opportunities on goal. #defensemakessense

Same reality, different perspective. Choreo room becomes Yoga room for the evening, where some of the guys and Sylvia (our SENSATIONAL tour manager) helped me ‘lock the knee’. #imonlyhereforthesavasana
I’ve never seen David (top centre) so relaxed, in the last 2 weeks. By the way, David is VLOGGING about this tour, too, so check him out! http://davidmhands.wixsite.com/website/single-post/2016/11/25/Its-been-a-while
I think I’ll stick to blogging. You’ve seen my face in the first pic.

In my first year at drama school - back in the day when people still used words like ‘Motorola’ and I was Italian - the washing machines at the launderette, near my student dig, were my best friends. I used to sit in front them, on a Saturday afternoon, watching 5 of my 10 tracksuits being cathartically spinned from soiled to a state of freshness and redemption.
Fast-forward an hour: my clothes were clean and my soul was too.
(Luckily, a blond hunk from Iceland, named Denni, soon helped me find some real friends.)
The washing machine has been by far my favourite electric appliance, ever since.
Therefore, I could barely contain my excitement, when this beauty arrived on Thursday. It’s gonna follow us wherever we go!
Above is my setting of choice. It’s even called Kurtz. Taking the previous analogy to a whole new level.

Bible study.
A tad disappointed about one thing, however.
Since the vast majority of the time, this week, has been dedicated to learning and rehearsing songs and choreographies, I’ve had very little chance to practice what’s going to be the most important aspect of my performance, which is:
How I’m going to hold my microphone.
Here’s a few options:

But we have a winner:

Comfort; 71%
Style: 93%
Practicality: 60%
Wankyness: 88%
I think I’m ready for an audience.